Costume Voting
There are two surveys. The category of "Staff as children in costume" is a game in which you guess which staff member relates to which photo. This survey is located via the blue button entitled, "Identify staff in costume here". This button is located below that group of photos. Those who guess all photos correctly will win a prize!
The second survey is for the remaining categories. Please review all photos in each category, locate the voting form below and enter your name and selections for each category. The goal of this survey is to vote on your favorite in each category. Once complete, please select "submit". Thank you.
Winners will be announced one week after voting begins. Please contact a Joy Club member with questions. Thank you.
The second survey is for the remaining categories. Please review all photos in each category, locate the voting form below and enter your name and selections for each category. The goal of this survey is to vote on your favorite in each category. Once complete, please select "submit". Thank you.
Winners will be announced one week after voting begins. Please contact a Joy Club member with questions. Thank you.
Category: Staff as children in costume
Please review all photos in each category, locate the voting form below and enter your name and selections for each category. The goal of this survey is to vote on your favorite in each category. Once complete, please select "submit". Thank you.
Category: Staff pets
Category: Staff children in costume
Category: Household/Group
LD Team